Is Affiliate Marketing Still a Lucrative Field?

Anyone who’s interested in making money online certainly knows about affiliate marketing. It is selling products online on behalf of a merchant and you get a commission from him for every sale you complete.

This sounds pretty simple. Yes, thousands of people in the last decade have made fortunes through affiliate marketing. There are many affiliate who are still making 6 figure affiliate income.

But do you think is affiliate marketing still a lucrative field?

Does it have the same charm as before?

You might be an individual sitting on a fence and not being able to decide whether you should give a shot to affiliate marketing or not?

As an affiliate marketer, I feel affiliate marketing can be a lucrative field and at the same time it can’t.

It totally depends upon the person who wants to be an affiliate marketer.

So for me if I say yes it can be lucrative then following are the reasons.

A Great Opportunity to Make a Fortune

Affiliate marketing is perhaps the best way to make a fortune online. You can earn a lot of money legitimately if you’ve learned the art of affiliate marketing.

Although there’re many other channels to make money however no one pays like affiliate marketing.

A single promotional campaign for an affiliate product like weight loss or health diet could make you millions if you know right strategies.

The commissions that you’re going to receive from vendors can go as high as 50% to 70% for digital products. The profit margins are really great.

If you’ve a good product and right marketing strategies then you can make thousands of dollars every month.

Plethora of Genuine Affiliate Network

Then there’s plethora of genuine affiliate network present online. You can find dozens of such networks that are honest and pays you every month.

You don’t have to create your own product as you will get it from thousands of vendors present online. You just have to be a middle man between the company online and the consumers.

Your monthly earning for each month would reach your home at right time. Every paycheck is delivered at right place.

Hence, you don’t have to worry about the genuineness of an affiliate network.

Some of them are Clickbank, Commission junction, Amazon etc. Although there are many but these three are the most popular and trusted networks for the affiliate marketers.

Also Read: Why Amazon Is the Most Used Affiliate Program In the World?

Predefined and Established Marketing Strategies

If you got the right product from a genuine affiliate network then next is selling it to needy customers. For selling you need to know and implement right marketing strategies and techniques.

But there’s already predefined and established strategies that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. You could just model your marketing campaign over it.

These strategies and techniques are developed by experienced marketers over the period of time. They are well proven and very effective.

Hence, as an affiliate marketer your job would become quite easy because you just have to remodel predefined and established marketing strategies.

This makes affiliate marketing still a lucrative field.

However, at the same time affiliate marketing could mean nothing for you. Because

Affiliate Marketing NOT a Jackpot

Marketers who’re really interested or new to affiliate marketing must understand that it’s not a jackpot. You’re not going to become rich in few days or just weeks.

This point needs clarification because the way affiliate marketing is portrayed especially to people who’re online that it’s like a lottery. Nothing can be further from the truth.

Possibly it is the only reason why most of the affiliate marketers fail. They join it in a hope that they’re going to be rich in next few weeks.

But after facing the reality they simply quit because they’ve no stomach to continue further. Hence, if you’re not prepared for a long haul then don’t join affiliate marketing.

Great Writing as Well as Marketing Skills

The humungous task that you’ve to overcome before you become a successful affiliate marketer is the writing skills.

Affiliate marketing is all about hardcore selling. Here you don’t speak to customers but you communicate through your writings. Therefore words that you choose matters a lot.

You can’t enter this field without passion for writing. You must be prepared to learn about writing daily. You need to transform yourself to a great extent.

If you aren’t ready to learn and adapt new things about writing then you’re not going to survive here. Hence this field is not for marketers who think they can make it without having to write.

In addition to writing you also have to focus on marketing skills.

Tough Challenge for Affiliate Marketers from Non-English Speaking Countries

Although affiliate marketing is an ambitious undertaking however it aggravates when it comes to affiliate marketers from non-English speaking countries.

It’s because your much of the traffic or customers would come from English speaking countries like USA, UK, Canada, Australia etc. So a marketer has to write according to their culture.

As I said in earlier paragraph you need to have great writing skills hence you’ve to write according to these countries.

It becomes really difficult for a marketer from India or China to write English that relates to these countries. As I said earlier in affiliate marketing you need to convince people.

But it becomes hard for non-English speaking marketers. This is the reason why marketers are unable to sell even a single product.

It also makes affiliate marketing less lucrative field.

Challenges for Affiliate Marketers

We discussed some of the causes why affiliate marketing couldn’t be so lucrative. Here, I’ll give you some challenges that an affiliate marketer has to face.

1. Wining the Trust of Online Consumers

As you know on the Internet how people are scamming and cheating innocent consumers. This has led to develop mistrust between online consumers and companies.

So you have to overcome the trust deficit of the people. You need to convince them that you’re genuine and here to really solve their problem.

Otherwise they aren’t going to trust you therefore they’ll never pull out their credit cards.

2. Quality Not Quantity of Traffic

In affiliate marketing you need to get quality traffic not quantity. Even if you’re receiving heavy traffic but they’re not buying anything then it’s of no use.

You need to target people with high purchasing power and that is going to come only from English speaking countries.

Hence, it would be a real challenge to get people from these countries and make them buy your products.

3. Overcoming Piracy

Piracy is a menace not just for affiliate marketers but also for companies whose product you’re selling.

If a customer is getting an e Product for free from the pirate websites then why they’re going to buy same thing from you for $20 to $30.

People don’t buy at all because it’s available online for free. Hence, there’s a need to overcome piracy.

Finally, affiliate marketing could be a lucrative field but at the same time it can’t. It depends which side of the line are you?

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Hi, I am Krunal Bokde, founder of I am a Computer Engineer, Digital Marketer, Blogger and Entrepreneur. I have deep knowledge on topics like Blogging, SEO And Digital Marketing! Thank You for visiting our blog.